Customer Complaint
We would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and a team member will contact you in the shortest possible time.
A complaint may be filed through the AIB website, emailed to [email protected], telephoned (i.e. 876-926-6784, 926-6820 or 926-6821), or made in person at any of our locations.

Upon sharing your complaint with any member of our team, we will then share same with the relevant department or input same into our Customer Management System for immediate attention.
On assigning the complaint same should be Acknowledged in writing within one (1) business day of receipt, indicating an expectation of when a response would be received by the customer and the individual handling the complaint.
All aspects of the complaint must be investigated, along with all interactions and findings must be documented. The resolution of all complaints should seek to be handled within twenty(20) business days of receiving same.
Confirm the proposed action and resolution with the relevant Department Manager and/or Assistant Manager and document the action to be taken.
The proposed action should be documented and confirmed with the department head. In the event a resolution is not provided within the twenty business days the complainant is to be informed of the anticipated timeframe for resolution.
Where resolution is within the control of AIB, the reason for the delay in resolution should also be explained to the customer.
A follow up with the customer is to be made to ensure that they are satisfied with the response given and that their complaint was properly and fairly handled. Proceeded by an update to the CMS noting the date the customer was contacted regarding the outcome of their complaint and by whom.